Plateforme libre de discussion
Le 2 février 2020 la Douma de la Fédération de Russie a débattu d'une proposition consistant à mentionner Dieu dans le texte de la Constitution
«Mentionner la valeur de la foi en Dieu dans la Constitution serait une consolidation de la continuité historique et spirituelle des peuples de notre pays qui ne se pensent pas en dehors de la religion (...) La valeur de la foi en Dieu est également un hommage à la mémoire de millions de personnes, nos frères, qui ont été persécutés pendant Lutter contre Dieu uniquement parce qu'ils ne voulaient pas renoncer à la foi. Cette idée devrait être comprise même par des gens qui sont loin de la religion ", a déclaré le patriarche Cyrille lors d'une réunion conjointe du Conseil interreligieux de Russie et de la consultation interconfessionnelle chrétienne vendredi le 28 février
The leaders and representatives of Russia's leading religious organizations have supported the idea of mentioning God and outlining the concept of marriage in the Constitution. Moscow, February 28, Interfax
A unified meeting of the Russian Interreligious Council and the Christian Interreligious Consultative Committee was held in Moscow at the invitation of Patriarch Kirill on Friday. The meeting was attended by head of the external church relations department of the Russian Orthodox Church Metropolitan Hilarion, supreme mufti of the Central Spiritual Muslim Board of Russia Talgat Tajuddin, Russia's chief rabbi Berel Lazar, Armenian Archbishop Yezras Nersisyan, Catholic Archbishop Pavel Pezzi, leader of the Pentecostal Church Sergey Ryakhovsky, and the heads of other protestant churches.
«Mentionner la valeur de la foi en Dieu dans la Constitution serait une consolidation de la continuité historique et spirituelle des peuples de notre pays qui ne se pensent pas en dehors de la religion (...) La valeur de la foi en Dieu est également un hommage à la mémoire de millions de personnes, nos frères, qui ont été persécutés pendant Lutter contre Dieu uniquement parce qu'ils ne voulaient pas renoncer à la foi. Cette idée devrait être comprise même par des gens qui sont loin de la religion ", a déclaré le patriarche Cyrille lors d'une réunion conjointe du Conseil interreligieux de Russie et de la consultation interconfessionnelle chrétienne vendredi le 28 février
The leaders and representatives of Russia's leading religious organizations have supported the idea of mentioning God and outlining the concept of marriage in the Constitution. Moscow, February 28, Interfax
A unified meeting of the Russian Interreligious Council and the Christian Interreligious Consultative Committee was held in Moscow at the invitation of Patriarch Kirill on Friday. The meeting was attended by head of the external church relations department of the Russian Orthodox Church Metropolitan Hilarion, supreme mufti of the Central Spiritual Muslim Board of Russia Talgat Tajuddin, Russia's chief rabbi Berel Lazar, Armenian Archbishop Yezras Nersisyan, Catholic Archbishop Pavel Pezzi, leader of the Pentecostal Church Sergey Ryakhovsky, and the heads of other protestant churches.
"Establishing peace in a multi-ethnic and multi-religious country, we support the proposal to mention God in the text of the updated Constitution, we regard it as the establishment of the value of religious convictions of the peoples of our country, historically and culturally related to the religions represented by us, and also spiritual continuity in relation to our ancestors," a communique issued at the meeting, which was obtained by Interfax, said.
Representatives of various religious organizations also believe that the constitutional amendments outlining the idea of marriage as a union between a man and a woman, provisions aimed at protecting traditional family values, including the rights of parents to provide such education and instruction to their children that is in line with their religious and philosophical conditions, protection of the history and culture of the country, the status of the Russian language, support to compatriots, and the preservation of the memory of defenders of the fatherland are important.
The religious leaders also welcomed the changes to the Constitution that create extra conditions for ensuring the socio-economic wellbeing of Russians and the unity of the country.
Representatives of various religious organizations also believe that the constitutional amendments outlining the idea of marriage as a union between a man and a woman, provisions aimed at protecting traditional family values, including the rights of parents to provide such education and instruction to their children that is in line with their religious and philosophical conditions, protection of the history and culture of the country, the status of the Russian language, support to compatriots, and the preservation of the memory of defenders of the fatherland are important.
The religious leaders also welcomed the changes to the Constitution that create extra conditions for ensuring the socio-economic wellbeing of Russians and the unity of the country.
Rédigé par Parlons D'orthodoxie le 29 Février 2020 à 09:12
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