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The Transfiguration Brotherhood and St. Philaret’s Christian Orthodox Institute May 2016 Newsletter
Christ is risen!
Dear Friends,
Welcome to the Transfiguration Brotherhood (PSMB) and St. Philaret’s Christian Orthodox Institute (SFI) May 2016 Newsletter.
Lire La Fraternité de la Transfiguration célèbre son 25e anniversaire, une liturgie est officiée à la cathédrale du Christ Sauveur
We are excited to announce the English versions of the PSMB and SFI websites. The Brotherhood’s website ( contains essential information about our movement, such as our Life Principles, and enables you to follow our current events. The SFI website reflects our research and academic activities along with providing a discussion platform for contemporary theology experts.
The Transfiguration Brotherhood and St. Philaret’s Christian Orthodox Institute May 2016 Newsletter
Christ is risen!
Dear Friends,
Welcome to the Transfiguration Brotherhood (PSMB) and St. Philaret’s Christian Orthodox Institute (SFI) May 2016 Newsletter.
Lire La Fraternité de la Transfiguration célèbre son 25e anniversaire, une liturgie est officiée à la cathédrale du Christ Sauveur
We are excited to announce the English versions of the PSMB and SFI websites. The Brotherhood’s website ( contains essential information about our movement, such as our Life Principles, and enables you to follow our current events. The SFI website reflects our research and academic activities along with providing a discussion platform for contemporary theology experts.
I have to start with sad news. On Bright Saturday, 7 May, we lost Nikita Struve, our wise friend, Editor-in-Chief of the Russian Christian Movement journal “Le Messager”, an SFI trustee and a friend of our Institute and the Transfiguration Brotherhood. Memory eternal to him! May the risen Lord grant him eternal rest!
Here is an outline of last month’s events:
Our spiritual father and SFI Rector Rev. Prof. Georgy Kochetkov commented on Patriarch Kirill’s message, in which he had criticised worship of man, and on its interpretation in the mass media.
The recently translated interview with Fr Georgy offers a retrospective journey into the history of our Institute and highlights the concept behind it.
A brief overview of our conference on friendship, sobornost and solidarity held in March can be found here.
In a week’s time (16-19 May), we shall be holding another conference in the annual series ‘Catechesis in the Tradition of the Holy Fathers’. This year the main focus of the conference will be kerygmatic preaching about Christ during the 1st and the 2nd stages of catechesis. We are hoping to welcome all those who invest time and effort into helping people get an introduction into the church tradition and become true Christians in their everyday life. We shall also continue discussing the interesting issues raised at previous events in the series.
I am also pleased to announce our Brotherhood Facebook page.
We are hoping to increase the density of our websites’ content with time. I would be grateful for any suggestions you might have regarding ways of improving our English websites and their content.
Our next newsletter will be delivered on Monday, 6 June.
He is risen indeed!
Yours sincerely,
Sofia Androsenko
Press Secretary, St. Philaret’s Institute
M.: +7 962 986 74 33
Here is an outline of last month’s events:
Our spiritual father and SFI Rector Rev. Prof. Georgy Kochetkov commented on Patriarch Kirill’s message, in which he had criticised worship of man, and on its interpretation in the mass media.
The recently translated interview with Fr Georgy offers a retrospective journey into the history of our Institute and highlights the concept behind it.
A brief overview of our conference on friendship, sobornost and solidarity held in March can be found here.
In a week’s time (16-19 May), we shall be holding another conference in the annual series ‘Catechesis in the Tradition of the Holy Fathers’. This year the main focus of the conference will be kerygmatic preaching about Christ during the 1st and the 2nd stages of catechesis. We are hoping to welcome all those who invest time and effort into helping people get an introduction into the church tradition and become true Christians in their everyday life. We shall also continue discussing the interesting issues raised at previous events in the series.
I am also pleased to announce our Brotherhood Facebook page.
We are hoping to increase the density of our websites’ content with time. I would be grateful for any suggestions you might have regarding ways of improving our English websites and their content.
Our next newsletter will be delivered on Monday, 6 June.
He is risen indeed!
Yours sincerely,
Sofia Androsenko
Press Secretary, St. Philaret’s Institute
M.: +7 962 986 74 33
Rédigé par Parlons D'orthodoxie le 10 Mai 2016 à 11:07
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